About the Chamber

Our Vision

“Darke County’s premier source for business and community development.”

Our Mission

“To promote business and community development, advocate legislative issues and foster partnerships.”

History of the Chamber

The Darke County Chamber of Commerce is located in Greenville, Ohio. Since 1927, the Chamber has served as an advocate for Darke County. While you tend to your business, the Darke County Chamber advocates for you by developing a climate in which business can create jobs and operate at a profit.

We are an advocate for its broad and diverse member businesses. We leverage and enhance members' talents and resources to create a climate of growth and success in the community. We work to attract new businesses and enhance growth and expansion opportunities for existing businesses. Through leadership opportunities, volunteer efforts and business-building programs focused on critical business, civic and social priorities, the Chamber improves the economic vitality and quality of life for its members and community.

Frequent Questions about the Chamber

  • 1. What is the Chamber of Commerce?

    The Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for its broad and diverse member businesses. We leverage and enhance members' talents and resources to create a climate of growth and success in the community. We work to attract new businesses and enhance growth and expansion opportunities for existing businesses. Through leadership opportunities, volunteer efforts and business-building programs focused on critical business, civic and social priorities, the Chamber improves the economic vitality and quality of life for its members and community.

  • 2. What can the chamber do for my business?

    The chamber works to find ways for you to come together with other members, have opportunities to showcase and promote your business, obtain valuable information and training, get your business name in front of potential customers and be involved in the chamber through committee and council membership.

    The chamber offers numerous cost saving benefits such as workers compensation, health insurance, dental, vision and prescription savings, and much more.

  • 3. Is the Chamber a government entity?

    No, the Darke County Chamber is a not-for-profit corporation that operates and raises funds independently.

  • 4. How many members does the Darke County Chamber of Commerce have?

    The number of members varies on a monthly basis. The Darke County Chamber typically has between 250 - 300 members at any given time.

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